Thursday, April 22, 2010

iphone 3G 3.1.2 modem version 5.11.07 MB model jailbreak done..

this are the steps that i make to jailbreak the iphone 3G.

1. first download and install blacra1n.
2. open blackra1n and click make it rain.

3. wait until you see this and click OK.

4. wait for the iphone to reboot.
5. after reboot look for the blackra1n logo on the iphone and tap.
6. tap on cydia, then click install.
7. after finished install, cydia icon will appear, tap on cydia and wait until it finished REORGANIZING.
8. after reboot screen will be like below. tap on user (graphical only).

9. after finish, tap cydia again and tap on manage.

10. tap edit, then tap Add.
11. enter this "" then tap "add source" then tap "add anyway".
12. wait until process is finished, then tap return to cydia.
13. tap Done, then tap on
14. tap on AppSync for OS 3.1, then tap Install (since the iPhone that i'm jailbreaking is 3.1.2).
15. wait until the process is finished. iPhone is now jailbroken.

note: you can uninstall blackrain after jailbrek as an option.

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