Monday, May 18, 2015

update/restore iphone 5 using linux (kali)

How to update/restore iPhone 5 using Linux OS.


Linux OS ( in my case Kali)

 libimobiledevice is a cross-platform software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone®, iPod Touch®, iPad® and Apple TV® devices. It is released under GPL.

More information can be found at

To make use of the above-mentioned library, git-clone or download the source of all the files in the repository located at , and build it from source.

syntax for restoring.

    idevicerestore -e yourIPSW.ipsw

where yourIPSW.ipsw is the latest firmware for the appropriate iDevice.

full credits to the above-mentioned site and the authors/creators of the library.

below is the video of the update/restore process.