finally,,untethered jailbreak for iphone 3gs on 3.1.3 fw is now possible, thanks to spirit.
details below as taken from here.
As we have already reported, Spirit – the untethered userland jailbreak for iPhone 3.1.3 and iPad 3.2 has finally arrived. For the end user, Spirit looks and works very much like Geohot’s blackra1n, and is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.
Using Spirit, you can jailbreak (not unlock) all iPhone’s (iPhone (Edge), iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS) and iPod touches (iPod touch 2G and 3G) running on the firmware version 3.1.3/3.1.2, and iPad and iPad 3G on firmware 3.2 – untethered.
Note for iPhone 3G and 3GS Unlockers: Do NOT upgrade to the stock iPhone 3.1.3 if you you want to keep your unlock as doing so will result in upgrade of your baseband, which will make it almost impossible for you to unlock. This is strictly for those who are either on official supported carrier like AT&T, or have already upgraded to 3.1.3 and are stuck with it.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have your SHSH files saved. You can jailbreak without saving SHSH files but you wont be safe once Apple patches the exploit used by Spirit. Follow the instructions posted here to save your SHSH blobs.
The following guide will help you jailbreak iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS (all versions) untethered on the latest iPhone OS 3.1.3.
Step 1: Download and install the latest version of iTunes (download link given below).
Step 2: You will need to be on the official iPhone 3.1.2, or iPhone 3.1.3 firmware on your iPhone. Download links for iPhone OS 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 are given at the end of the post.
Step 3: Download Spirit for Windows or Mac (download link at the end of the post).
Step 4: Run “Spirit” and then Click on “Jailbreak”:
Note for Windows 7/Vista Users (OS X users should skip to Step 5): Change the “Compatibility mode” to “Windows 98 / Windows Me” by right clicking on “Spirit.exe”, and then click on “Properties”. This can be seen in the screenshot below. [Thanks to xeon82 for this tip via twitter]
Also check: “Run this program as an administrator” option on the same window.
Step 5: Let the app do its thing and wait for the app to show “Jailbreak Complete!” message. At this point, wait for the iPhone to automatically reboot.
Step 6: Voila! You should now have a fully jailbroken iPhone 3G/3GS running on firmware 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 – Untethered !.
Want to Jailbreak your iPad? Follow the step by step guide posted here.
Disclaimer: This guide is for testing & educational purposes only. I’m not responsible for any loss of important data or malfunctioning of your iPhone.
download spirit for windows here.
note: this is only for untethered jailbreak. network unlock is still not yet supported.
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