some zte phones are now included..
here are the list of zte phones supported.
SFR 114,SFR,231,SFR 232,SFR 241,SFR 251,SFR 341,SFR 342,
SFR 343,SFR Messenger Edition 251,Orange Vegas,ZTE A261+,
ZTE X760,ZTE X761,ZTE X960,ZTE X990,ZTE GX760,ZTE GX761,
ZTE GR 230,T-Mobile Vairy Touch
code for huawei screenshot

code for zte screenshot


download here
i now include nokia master code calculator..(and change the name to universal calculator)..
..the master code can be used if you have forgotten your security code. if the phone asks for security code you can use the master code as your security code.
for nokia dct3, dct4 and some wd2 phones only.
heres the screenshot..